A unique rejuvenation programme "Mastermind" at KLS IMER

Over 30 entrepreneurs, who successfully completed a unique business rejuvenation programme "Mastermind" to rejig their business fortunes, and their mentor, Mumbai-based well-known corporate Guru, Anil Thomas, shared a few real life tips with Business Owners/Leaders and aspiring Entrepreneurs here on 30th April, 2016.
The unique programme called ‘Mastermind’ is the brainchild of Mumbai-based Mustardseed, founded by Anil Thomas, who has guided thousands of Business Leaders and top professionals at multinationals and big Indian companies through his corporate training modules.
At a conclave, jointly held by KLS IMER and Mastermind, the entrepreneurs shared their real time experiences, and the key note address was delivered by Anil Thomas on the ‘3 core elements for Entrepreneurial Success’.
- He threw light on the following aspects. Deploying effective strategy: Spending significant time on planning for the future (framing and execution of key strategies) instead of focusing on solving current problems and handling crises.
- Re-inventing Story every now and then: Often entrepreneurs get obsessed with their past stories about how they came up in their lives. Such an attitude will bar them from being innovative and entrepreneurial. Hence they used to challenge themselves and create new stories.
- Positive state of mind: Positive state of mind leads to positive thoughts. Positive thoughts leads to positive feelings. Positive feelings leads to positive actions. Positive actions end up with positive results. Thus state of mind is a course for results.
Thus he concluded saying entrepreneurs need to embrace change, frame necessary strategies for the future, change their stories often and maintain positive state of mind to attain entrepreneurial success.
Following four Mastermind Excellence Awards were given to the participants who have shown exceptional grit and resilience in applying the concepts learnt during the training programme.
Excellence in Innovation Award to Mr. Anirudh Mohta, MD, Bemco Hydraulics; Excellence in Marketing and Sales Award to Mr. Parag Bhandare, JMD, AKP Ferrocast; Excellence in Goal Setting Award to Mr. Amrithraj Bhatt, Managing Director, Aqua-Allois; Excellence in Communication Award to Mr. Suraj Biradi, Siddheshwar Technologies. More than 200 people comprising Business leaders, Professionals and Management students attended the event.